Monday, August 9, 2010


Anahata means: unstuck. We as people are constantly looking to define ourselves. I am constantly looking to redefine myself. Not because I am unhappy but because I love to explore and perfect my being...I am try to find the right look in my skin. I have completely fallin love head over heels with Yoga and while practicing I was learning about the chakras. The Anahata Chakra struck my heart, it was then that I realized that this was going to be the mantra for my life. I wanted to learn to love people in a way that reflects that I have never been struck, I want to live life unstruck. I don't want past experiences or pain to effect that way that I love, new love should be started with a clean slate. Now I have many reasons and experiences that would want to make me skeptical or cautious when it comes to love...some that are funny, sad, and infuriating; some of these stories I will blog about. I have always wanted to write a book about my dating life because it can be quite amusing but never had a basis for the book until now. Each story that I blog will have an "anahata lesson" moral, or tidbit of advice.

Warning: Some stories may be graphic or crude

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